[Tutorial] Oil Slick Color Eye Makeup
Colorful and effortless eye makeup for you!
What is 'oil slick' Dila?
Well, you know, it's the colorful color that will shown by gasoline's spill like this.
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image source : www.holleewoodhair.com |
The Oil Slick color has already applied in many things. Hair color, designer bags, shoes, and you name it lah. Lots of things.
So, I think it will be fun to create an oil slick color eye makeup and here it is my version of it. Please enjoy the video~
Products that I used in this video :
Sariayu 25 Best Choice Colors of Asian Women
Sariayu Inspirasi Papua Eyeliner Pencil P01 (blue)
Urban Decay 24/7 Glide-on Eye Pencil Zero
Maybelline the Falsies Waterproof Mascara
Elise false lashes 6448
Sariayu Pensil Alis Pro Black
LTPro Powder Blush PB 08
Urban Decay Shattered Face Case (highlighter Glint)
Face base product that I used for this video (not mentioned) :
ULTIMA II Delicate Creme Powder Makeup
ULTIMA II Delicate Translucent Face Powder with Moisturizer
Read how I use the base on my review of ULTIMA II Delicate Creme Powder Makeup andDelicate Translucent Face Powder with Moisturizer
Here is the closer look for the eyes.
I didn't do it in the video, but I did try to use three different lipstick colors that I think all look flattering with this eye makeup :)
For the nude lip color like in the video, I used Mirabella Colorfix Cool Lipstick shade 42.
For the purple lip color, I used purple lip color that I create in the Create Your Own Lipstick at Martha Tilaar Shop.
and for the black lip color, I used MUA Lipstick in Raven.
Which one is your favorite look? Is it the nude, purple or black?
Oh yeah, if you like the video please give a thumbs up and subscribe to my youtube channel. Also, if you think it's cool, I will not stop you to share it to your friends ;)
See you on my next post or video~
keren semuaaa mbaaa...
BalasHapuswah dapet inspirasi baru nih.. "oil sleek" kapan2 coba juga ah..
Waaah makasiiih Hani :*
HapusSilakan bikin oil slick eye makeup versimu yaa, jangan lupa tag aku supaya aku bisa liat juga :D
waaa langsung meluncur ke youtube nya
BalasHapusMakasiiiih Elisaaa :* selamat menonton
HapusSuka pas pakai yg Raven, dilll xD
BalasHapusBagus bgt sih bikin eyeshadownya :D
Yang Raven kelihatan super bold ya Rin? XD
HapusMakasiiih Riniiii :*
Dilla cantik cantik cantik.... Idenya bisa aja... "oil slick" tadinya ku kira brand baru hahaha
BalasHapusJean Milka
Jean cantiiik.. kamu bisa ajaaa..
HapusHihihi, cobain cobain cobain bikin versi kamu Oil Slick Eye Makeupnyaa~
Suka banget laaah dil dengan tema eotd ya kamu dipost blog kali ini.. patut aku contoh kek nya..
Mbak Dineeee... makasiih loooh <3
HapusHayooo cobain bikin versi Mbak Dineee :D