Merah Putih FOTD and a few Updates
August is almost over now :'D
How's your August going?
This August, I started to be very busy (again). Three weeks of classes in a row, I have to sync between everything! Hahaha
Oh yeah, I've been in Jakarta for two weeks and got sore throat and cough.. :( :( :( it's getting better by now, but the cough still there T,T
Even though it's almost the end of the month, I am trying to keeping up to make this blog alive. I've tried to update this blog weekly, but sadly I can't do that right now. But at least, there are a few new posts every month right? hohoho
Anyway, I've been active updating my instagram recently. If you following me, you probably have seen one of FOTD that I post right now.

I actually made this special for Clozette Indonesia's August photo contest, it's already closed now but they have a new photo contest going on~ ^o^)/
Clozette indonesia's last photo contest was inspired by Indonesia's Independence Day that is Merah Putih, just like the colors of Indonesia's Flag. I tried to interpret the Merah Putih (literally, I guess) on to my makeup.
I would say that making this FOTD is a bit risky, yeah, with all red going on, I was afraid that it will look too much. But, hey! This is makeup! It should be fun right! So I took the risk to combine red eye makeup, red lip makeup and even red hijab together. 'o')9
Applying red eyeshadow is (again) tricky.. because red is one of the bold color you can apply on your eyes, I combine it with of course white and black eyeshadows.
Sorry for not very close up photo for the eye makeup detail :(
For the lips, I created ombre lip makeup by adding white shimmer eyeshadow on red lipstick that I've applied earlier.
These are the products that I used to created this Merah Putih makeup~
I used all Indonesia's products, special for this makeup :'D
1. Mustika Ratu Simply Stay (Liquid Foundation - Smoothie Yellow, Two Way Cake - Caramel Latte)
2. Sariayu 25 tahun Eye Shadow Palette
3. Make Over Camouflage Cream Face Concealer
5. Wardah Everlast Gel Eyeliner
7. Caring Colors Perfecting Mascara
8. Sariayu Pensil Alis Pro (Black)
9. Martha Tilaar Shop Professional Eyelash
Oh yeah, this one is the version before I change my lips to the ombre lips.
Which version do you prefer? :)

Before I end this post, I have some news to tell you~ ^o^)~
I am one of the Clozette Indonesia's Ambassador~ *wink-wink
You can click the link bellow the picture to visit my virtual closet on Clozette Indonesia~ and don't forget to join the fun~ there are new photo contest that you can participate there~ :D
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allseebee on Clozette Indonesia |
Oh yeah, one more~
My Disney Frozen Elsa was featured in Wolipop article's :'D
Be sure to visit the article to see other's creation on Elsa yaa~ :D
They all are good~
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Hijab Style: 5 Hijabers Bergaya Ala Elsa 'Frozen' |
You know what, It's been a year since I start to beauty blogging now :'D
Alhamdulillah~ Lots of good things happened in a year of blogging.
I can't thank you enough for all your support, for your precious time to visit and read my blog and even leave a comment! :'D
I really appreciate it~ :'D
You are the one who keep me pushing my self to improve in order to keep this blog alive and better, yeah, I can say that I am better than who I was in a year ago.
Probably I have to make a special post for this one year of blogging, hmm... *note to my self*
Thank you oh so much dearest friends and readers~ :*
See you on my next post~
BalasHapusThank you Edelyne cantik~ :*
Hapuscantikkk >3< love the bold lips :D
Thank you Tori cantik~ :*
Hapuscantiik !
BalasHapuslove the lips color + perfect lips !
Aww~ thank you Cintami~ :*
HapusCantik dhilla.. Itu bibir nya merona banget ya.. Cakep banget bisa kebentuk gitu..
BalasHapusMakasiiih Ayuk Cantiiik~ :*
HapusHehehe, pake kuas itu yuk, jadi bisa kebentuk.
beautyfull. I LOVE RED!!! yippiiiee ^^
BalasHapusThank you beautiful~ :*
HapusI love red too :D
Cantik .. aku suka bold lipstick ... esp when i'm not wearing heavy makeup
Thank you Cicila cantik~ :*
HapusYes, I agree with you :)
dila emang selalu oke punyaa :D
Ah Manda bisa ajah nih :3