FOTD - Recreating Pony's Love Beam Look
Hi everyone! ^^
This is not a new FOTD from me, because I've posted this one on my Instagram (@allseebee) before and it was actually an entry for HelloSasyachi's make up contest that was held on last April.
For HelloSasyachi's make up contest, we have to recreating the famous Ulzzang and Beauty Guru from South Korea, Pony ^^
I did not win, but I have to say that recreating Pony's look was so much fun and tricky ;)
So, I pick Pony's Love Beam look to recreate~
I did not win, but I have to say that recreating Pony's look was so much fun and tricky ;)
So, I pick Pony's Love Beam look to recreate~
Creating Ulzzang look is not easy for me, especially after I wear Hijab. Seriously. Because hair is the important key to Ulzzang look. Also, since I choose to recreating Pony's Love Beam look, I found difficulty to interpret her hair into my hijab T_T unlike what I did on Elsa, Anna and even Twiggy's pixie cut hair, I just didn't get any idea on making Ulzzang's hijab, especially for this Pony's Love Beam hair look T_T
I think, there was something wrong with my head that time.. hahaha
So, I ended up with this 'ordinary' hijab style~
Besides hair, other thing that's important in Ulzaang look besides the make up is the V shaped face. Thank God I could cheat on that point with my hijab ^^ hahaha
For the make up itself, most of Pony's make up were simple but it actually quite tricky. I think I made a mistake with my foundation in this FOTD, instead of using glowing finish foundation, I used semi matte foundation which made my face less glowing. Also, I forgot to put highlighter on my cheek T,T
Maybe I should write down an analysis step-by-step, so that I don't miss any steps in the future XD
To be honest, I know Pony from HelloSasyachi make up contest and I shall add her to my favorite make up guru~ I start to watched her videos tutorial since then ^o^)/ (Thank you kak Sasya~)
It's a good thing that my knowledge is increasing through the make up challenges that I have joined from the start till now~ and I hope it will keep increasing in the future~ :3
Overall, it was a challenge for me to try to pull off the Ulzzang look with hijab :'D
I should try it out again in the future, Ulzzang Hijab perhaps? hohoho ^o^)~
So, what do you think about this look?
Is there anything that is lacking in this look?
Please, don't hesitate to comment your opinion down bellow~ ^o^)/
Call me so yesterday and so 2008, I just watched the Avengers!
Thanks for visiting~ ^o^)/
Till the next post~
(psst, I have a lot of reviews on my draft that waiting to be finished XD)
gimanapun tetep cantik bangeeeeettttt >.<
BalasHapuskyaaa~ kamu bisa aja Dilla XD makasiiiih cantiiikkk~ :*
Hapuscantik ih... warnanya natural tapi keluar gt soft yah...
BalasHapusFolback ya say..
Thank you :)
Wihiiii~ makasih Kania cantiiikk~ iyaah warnanya emang soft dan natural :D
BalasHapuscantik n mirip koo~
Aaaah~ gomawo Fransisca cantiiikk~ XD
Hapuscantik natural, aku suka banget walaupun berkerudung tapi masih bisa keliatan Ulzzang. suka banget sama makeupnya yang natural abis.
BalasHapusaku mau nanyaa,, lenses nya apaa? hihi
Aaaaaw~ makasiiih Claudia :'D jadi seneng nih bacanya :'D
HapusAku pakai softlens Ageha Lunatia Grey dari Japan Softlens, reviewnya ada kok di blog ini :D
Aku suka banget looknya.. mirip loh.. Kerudungnya juga cocok sama makeup nya. Tutorial dong :D
BalasHapusWihiiiiy~ terima kasih Gadis :*
HapusTutorial untuk look ini ya? aku sengaja nggak bikin karena Pony sendiri udah bikin tutorialnya dan aku pun ngikutin tutorialnya Pony ;)
So falwless Dila, suka bgt makeupnya. Btw buat hijab rambut ulzzang maybe bisa bikin ala Hana Tajima itu loh. Asli, jadi kayak rambut deh. Hahaha telat yah sarannya ^^
BalasHapusMakasiiiih Esy~ <3 :3
HapusNah, aku udah nyobain tuh gaya Hana Tajima :O tapi untuk makeup yang ini kurang cucok :O
cantik banget XD bener-bener manis!
BalasHapusHi Aini, terima kasih XD