Tiffany - Chucky's Bride Make Up Tutorial
Alooohaaa~ ^^
I am so exited to post this one XD
It is my first duo-collaboration with the one and only, the super talented Mbak Vindy from :D
We actually have this duo-collaboration plan since two month ago. We start with idea making a hijab tutorial, then change to party make up, and then we change again with this fantasy make up XD hahahaha..
I guess fantasy make up is really our taste :'D
This time, the duo-collaboration make up is recreating Child's Play character make up or you probably more familiar with Chucky Doll. Yes, the killer doll.. Muahahaha
Mbak Vindy chose to be the Chucky. So I became Tiffany, Chucky's partner in crime.
This is the real Tiffany.
Tiffany |
In case you also want to look like Tiffany, I already prepare the tutorial :D
Here is details for the eye make up.
So, how is it?
I think Tiffany's make up rather easy to try :D
Now, after I give you the tutorial, it is time to give you FOTD for Tiffany's look :D
I have so much fun taking photos for this look :D hahaha
Evil look but still beautiful ;D
I have story for this one photo bellow. Tiffany and Chucky usually held big knife in their hand, but this time I used powder brush. Hahaha.
I didn't plan to use powder brush for that pose. I just felt lazy to go to the kitchen in the middle of the night to take knife :P
'Tak ada pisau, kuas pun jadi'
Hahaha XD
I hope you can try the tutorial (you should! and let's see how evil-looking you are XD don't forget to let me know).
Before that, check out Mbak Vindy's post about Chucky look she created here.
Oh yeah, I hope that you don't mind with so many FOTDs I post this time.. hehehe..
Thank you for visiting~
I need to touch up my lipstick, it's Saturday night~
uwuwuuwuwuww.. pengantinkuuuu,... nutupp aliss pake apaa ituu.. beli dimanaaa
BalasHapusMuehehehe, gelliiiii Mbak Pin dibilang 'pengantinku' gituuuu XD
Hapusnutupin alisnya pake eyeliner putih Maybelline ajaaa~ trus pakai concealer Wardah :D
kerennnn diiilll...
BalasHapusngepens deh sama kamuuu XDD
Huaaaa makasiiih Shel :'D
HapusAku padamu Shel, aku padamuuu~ :*
Keren dilaa...i!!!!!!
BalasHapustu aku mau dooong lilin alisnya...heheh.... :-D
Makasiiih Teh Wulaaaan~ :D
Hapusitu aku pakai eyeliner putih dari Maybelline kok :D hehehe, teksturnya menurutku kayak ada lilinnya gitu~
kereeeeennn *tepuk tangan*
Terima kasih neng geulis Bella~ :D *kecup*
HapusKEREEEEN.... *dilapak mbak vindy juga teriak gitu*
BalasHapusCantik banget ini maaah gak ada serem2nya hihihihi... Suka.. Apalagi pas bagian pegang kuasnya.. Nunjukin Identitas Beautycian <3
HapusHihihi, kalau aku pegang wajan bisa kelihatan kayak penjual nasi goreng kali yah? Hehehe XD
Makasih yaah :'D
mba dil alisnya nggak nahaaaann, dan juga thanks bener tips nutupin alis aslinya <3
BalasHapuswell done mba dil, ini keren banget :")
Sama-sama Nuy :'D *kibas alis botak* Kapan-kapan dicobain yah nutupin alisnya :D
HapusThank you very much Nuy :'D
Wahhhhh... Chucky bride nya berhasil bangetttttt!!! kerennn.....
BalasHapusMain-main ke blog aku ya. Baru posting soal The Roaring 20's, era dimulainya makeup. :)
Haaaiiiii Ninneta :D terima kasihhhhhhh yaaaah~ :D
HapusDilaa...suka banget ama riasan matanya! warna eyeshadow nya persis banget ama warna eyeshadow nya Tiffany!
BalasHapusImeldaaaaa~ makasiiih yaaah :D
Warna nya mirip yah? :'D
Mel, aku ini Tiffany~ *kemudian drama dimulai* hahaha XD
aaa keren bgt kak >.<
BalasHapusjago bgt ngeblend eyeshadownya.. suka sama alisnya juga rapih bgt >O<
btw boleh follow back blog ku via GFC? :)
Haaiiii Dewi :D
HapusTerima kasih yaaah :'D
Aku masih belajar ngblend eyeshadownya kok :'D alisnya bisa kelihatan rapi karena pakai angled brush :'D
dila keren bangett.. aku suka stalking makeup di blog kamu sama mak vindy, hihihiihi...
BalasHapuscakepppp banget.. ngga tau lagi harus ngomong apa
#sambil nungguin tutorial makeup selanjutnya :D
Hahaha, terima kasih sudah stalking-stalking di blogku Manda XD sering-sering yaaah XD
HapusMakasih sekali lagi Manda :'D hehehe, sampai speechless gitu :'D
Ditunggu yaa tutorial selanjutnya~ ^^
mirip!! :D
BalasHapusTerima kasih Ce Lina :D
HapusMba tifanny agak chubby pipi nya.. hihihihi.. nice makeup.. suka dila.. aaaah.. makin ngfans sama mba dila :*
BalasHapusMbak Tiffany-nya kebanyakan makan nih Mbak Din :3 hahahaha XD
HapusAaaaaaahhhh aku pun ngefans sama dirimuuuuu XD
Ayo Mbak Dine sekali-sekali makeup kayak gini :D