Disney Frozen Elsa's Hair Tutorial (Using Scarves)
Queen Elsa is coming back~ ^o^)/
So, after a few readers asking me about how to make Elsa's hair. Here, I present you the tutorial on how to make Elsa's hair out of scarves.
Please don't mind my yellowish face in the tutorial. I tried new foundation and it turned out to be too yellow for me and it was too late to redone my makeup.
This is my first, ehem, cosplay hijab tutorial for you.. ^^
Before you read the tutorial, these are things you should prepare for Elsa's hair :
- Two white square scarves
- Pins
- Elastic
- Snow-flake-shaped (or star-shaped) brooch
This is how it looks from side to side.
I hope that this helps you and I hope that the tutorial clear enough to describes every step.
This Elsa's hair is super easy. I mean it! Super easy!
Good luck! ^^
Oh yeah if you want to know how to create Elsa's makeup you could visit my post Disney Frozen - Elsa - Makeup Tutorial.
Thank you for visiting,
Ya alloh sulit kaliii dhilaa.. tapi boleh dicoba.. kereeeen dirimu..
BalasHapusHihihi, masa sih Mbak Dineee? nggak sulit koook ^^
HapusAyo-ayo dicobain :3 bikin makeup Elsa jg sekalian :3 *request ceritanya
Makasih Mbak Dinee~ Dirimu juga keren :D
Haha jilbabnya jadi mirip banget ama kartunnya. Kreatip, kreatip. ^_^
BalasHapusMind to follow each other?
Hihihi, terima kasih Esy ^^
HapusFollowed back dear ^^
kerenn dill ^^
BalasHapusniceee tutorial!
Makasiiih Shelviiiiii ^^
Hapuskeyen... selalu stunning makeupnyaa ^_^
Makasih Amanda, hihihi jadi malu aku.. XD
Hapuswoowww, kreatif sekali, liatnya ajah mumet, apalagi beneran bikin yaaaa
Terima kasih Ce Winda ^^
Hapushihihi, mumet ya? gampang kok sebenarnya :D
Aaaaaaa kreatif sekaliiii!! Hebaaattt!!! XD
Aaaaaa makasih Vaniii~ XD
Hapuseye makeupnya cakep bgt say, tp pandangan mata langsung ke hijabnya,,xixixi asli keren bgt hijabnya bisa jadi gitu, pengen nyobain tutorialnya aaach <3
BalasHapusbtw, I follow you via gfc now, biar bs intip2 tutorial hijab lainnya,,xixixi
Makasih Ehara ^^ hihihi, hijabky mengalihkan pandanganmu XD
Hapusayo ayo dicobain ^^
Terima kasih yaa udah mampir dan di-follow ^^
Aku follow balik dirimu :D
Bikin tutorial hijab ala anna's hair jg dong. please... thanks before say.
BalasHapustutorial ini mau d coba dl.
Hai Citra, maaf banget dalam waktu dekat ini aku masih sibuk jadi nggak bisa bikin request kamu :(
HapusSemoga tutorial ini membantu kamu yaah :D
Selamat mencoba :D
Kaka bisa bikin video nya nggak... ? Soalnya aq pernah nyoba tapi kok nggak cantik ya 😭