Shu Uemura Heart-Full Pink Parallel Palette Review
First of all, I would like to say thank you for once again to the amazing beauty blogger Ce Carnellin and Shu Uemura Indonesia for the wonderful gifts.
This palette was actually a super big bonus for me >,<
I have to read the announcement twice in order to made my self belief what I just read that time.
Oh yeah, in case if you don't know, I got this palette (and other few amazing gifts *will post it soon*) as gift for winning... hmm... I think the right words should be like this... Ce Carnellin and Shu Uemura Indonesia picked me as one of the 3 lucky girls to have this beautiful palette. I joined Ce Carnellin's 12 Days Christmas Giveaway and made the Black and Pink Princess look .
So this is it, the Shu Uemura Heart-Full Pink Parallel Palette from 6 Heart Princess Collection.
Oh yeah, in this collection, Shu Uemura collaborated with Takashi Murakami.
All the art work in this collection was created by Takashi Murakami.
This palette was actually a super big bonus for me >,<
I have to read the announcement twice in order to made my self belief what I just read that time.
Oh yeah, in case if you don't know, I got this palette (and other few amazing gifts *will post it soon*) as gift for winning... hmm... I think the right words should be like this... Ce Carnellin and Shu Uemura Indonesia picked me as one of the 3 lucky girls to have this beautiful palette. I joined Ce Carnellin's 12 Days Christmas Giveaway and made the Black and Pink Princess look .
So this is it, the Shu Uemura Heart-Full Pink Parallel Palette from 6 Heart Princess Collection.
Oh yeah, in this collection, Shu Uemura collaborated with Takashi Murakami.
All the art work in this collection was created by Takashi Murakami.
The Pink Princess is super cute!

There are eyeshadows and blusher description at the back of the palette. A glimpse of identity and texture on each eyeshadows and blusher.
Ouch... :(
This is how the palette looked like, right after I received it.
This is how the palette looked like, right after I received it.
One eyashadow was broken...
Tadaaa~ this is how it looked like after I fixed the broken eyeshadow~
You can read my tutorial on how I fixed the broken eyeshadow.
Another major thing I noticed when I open this palette is the mirror!
The mirror is as wide as the palette so I could see my whole face through the mirror, no more peeking when I want to apply eyeshadow.
These are brushes that came along with the palette. Both the brushes are incredibly soft.
*happy happy*
The longest and biggest brush tip used to applied the blusher and the rest brushes tip made for eyeshadow application. Very convenient. Love!
*happy happy*
The longest and biggest brush tip used to applied the blusher and the rest brushes tip made for eyeshadow application. Very convenient. Love!
The swatches~

I found that the orange shade has the least pigmentation compared to all the colors in the palette. But the orange shade is totally wearable for daily make up. Well, not only the orange, all the shades are also wearable for daily make up look.

I super love with the blusher. The color gives instant fresh look to my face.
The thing that makes me more in love is that this blusher doesn't have shimmer but when the light touch, it reflect the light and glowing just like its name 'Glow On'. Oh love!

This is how the eyeshadows on my eyes.
Psst, I didn't use any eyeshadow primer for this shot.
Psst, I didn't use any eyeshadow primer for this shot.
This the look I created by using Heart-Full Pink Parallel Palette.
Well, how is it?
Are you interested to this palette?
Thank you Ce Carnellin and Shu Uemura Indonesia~
Thanks for reading,
Palletenya bikin ngiler, tapi harganya ituloh *.* btw selalu kece deh fotd-nya. aku padamu kak <3 hehehehehe
BalasHapusIyaaa Lintang harga palettenya itu bisa dijadiin biaya hidup anak ngekos sebulan :''D
HapusAww makasih Lintang, aku padamu juga XD hehehe
Mataaa mu menggoda dhil.. wkwkwk.. malem jumat buat racuuun tuuh rasa nya.........
BalasHapusIhihihi *kedip kedipin mata ke Mbak Dine*
HapusRasanya gimana Mbak Dineee? ehehehe XD
Pretty pink!!
BalasHapusIni ucapan buat dilla dan shu! ^^
Makasih mami Irene yang pretty~ :*
Hapusmba dilla matanya cantik banget *O* cantik pula fotdnya, mba dila kreatif bgt mainin hijabnya jadi keliatan menarik!
BalasHapuseh itu untung serbuk pecahannya ga nyebar ke warna lain ya >,<
Huaa makasih Nurina yang cantiiiik~ *o*
HapusMakasih sekali lagi :3 iyaa aku suka berkreasi sama hijabnya, supaya nggak kelihatan itu-itu aja ;)
Iyaaa mungkin karena tekstur eyeshadownya nggak powdery, jadinya nggak mengontaminasi yang lain :'D
Bagussss palettenyaaa. Bikin ngiri dehhh hahaha.
BalasHapusMatanya sama eyemakeupnya juga cantikkk ^0^
Iyaaa emang bagus si Shu ini *o*
HapusMakasih Mbak Luci yang cantiikkk~ :D
cantik banget palettenya, warnanya menggoda pula..hehe..cantik lho eye makeupnya...kereeennnnn!xoxo
BalasHapusi am your new follower..thx for visiting my blog!
Setujuuu~ palette ini memang cantik banget *,*
HapusTerima kasiiiih Kak Nancy sweetheart ~ :D itu karena ditunjang sama eyeshadownya Shu yang oke banget :D
Thank you again :D for following and visiting my blog :D
SubhanAllah, you're beautiful...It's true! (JamesBlunt mode.on) :D
BalasHapusAlhamdulillah~all praises to Allah :D you are beautiful too dear :D