Etude House Face Color Corset #4 Light shading Corset Review
Holaaaaaa amigooos~ :D
In this post I am going to review and give my thoughts about Etude House Face Color Corset in #4 Light Shading Corset.
I got it as a bonus when I did my birthday discount shopping last September at Etude House Counter when I visited my sister in Semarang.
I was a little bit disappointed because there were a little misunderstanding between the shopkeepers about gifts I should received. The first shopkeeper gave me cute yellow owl neck pillow, a pack of Moistfull trial kit and Must Have Post-it. But then she asked to her partner about what gifts she should gave, her partner said only the Must Have Post-it... ToT)
Of course I felt disappointed... After I was so happy to see the cute-owl-neck-pillow already in my shopping bag, they took it back... ToT)
I was like 'Today is my birthday and I purchased quite a lot' even another costumer backed me up on this. So, the shopkeeper add this Face Color Corset into my shopping bag.
I would like to say thank you to Etude House for this Face Color Corset.
Okay, let's get into the main point.. The review :D
Face Color Corset #4 Light Shading Corset
Yes, because it was a gift, I couldn't chose the shade.
another 'Yes', it is Light Shading Corset
As always, Etude House packaging is really cute and girly >,<
What makes this baby super cute and girly is the lace pattern on the product :D
I could say that this shade is nearly close to my skin tone. Which makes me confuse about the function of this product on me.. I definitely can't use it as shading because it is too light.
I was thinking to use it as face powder but BAAAAMMMMM it is too shimmery for me =='
So, I use it as highlighter and eyeshadow instead :D
Very surprising right?
Very surprising right?

The texture of this product is really soft. If it is applied on your skin, it will make your skin feel soft too.
Something that I just found out recently is that if you apply this Face Corset with eyeshadow primer, it will appear darker and you can see the swatch that without primer, really close to my skin tone.
Overall, I actually find this really a lovely product.
- Scentless
- Soft texture
So, is there anyone also have this Face Color Corset in Light Shading ?
I'd really love to know how you use it.
Okay, thanks for visiting~
I hope you find this post helpful.
Oh yeah, a little update for you..
Now I finally can use it for contouring my nose :'D
It gives subtle shading to your nose without that visible I-just-give-my-nose-contour looking.. hahaha
Glad I can use it as it should be :'D
BalasHapuskapan2 aku pengen nyoba lisku tak ilangin,, tp alisku tebel banget kl dikasih foundi masih kliatannn truss..
dil, ayo pan kapan kollabs bikin tutorial hijab+makeup untuk party atau event , itu banyak yg suka.. aku suka ama foto n hijabmu yg unyu22
Makasiiiiiiih Mbak Vindyyyyyyyy~ kyaaa~ XD
Hapusayo Mbak dicoba alisnya diilangin, hahaha, rasanya lucu pas liat alis sendiri ilang XD
Coba pakai teknik yang tak pakai Mbak Vindy, pakai eyeliner putih dulu trus pakai concealer.
ayooooo Mbak Viiin, kontak diriku saja kapannya...
ihihi, makasiiih ya Mbak Vin yang unyuh sekaliiii :3
eniwei, komennya Mbak Vindy yang ini nyasar ya? hihihi
Ah, aku kira ini gedenya setelapak tangan. Ternyata kecil.. ><
BalasHapusHihihi, iyaaa~ ukurannya nggak sampai sebesar telapak tangan.. Tapi untuk ukuran produk shading, jumlahnya lumayan banyak kok :'D