Disney Frozen - Elsa - Makeup Tutorial
"The snow glows white on the mountain tonight
Not a footprint to be seen
A kingdom of isolation and it looks like I'm the queen"
Ost of Disney Frozen
Let It Go - Demi Lovato
Meet Elsa,
the Queen of Arendelle that inadvertently turn her kingdom to be in eternal winter by her icy power.
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http://movies.disney.com/frozen |
Like other Disney Princesses, Elsa is such a beauty (well, I am sorry, Elsa is a Queen) heeheehee..
I was so attracted to ice queen or snow queen theme, especially a young lady with a special power :D *girls power* there's something about them that so special...
The point is I really want to see this movie >.<
Yes, when I wrote this post, I haven't watch the movie yet. Sadly, the movie theater in my town did not have this movie.. *cry*
Anyway, from the first time I saw the trailer of this movie, 'I want to recreate the makeup!', that's what I thought.
So, here I am, ready to show you, not only the makeup but also the tutorial :D
Oh yeah, I almost forgot, I want to tell you that this makeup look is special, because to recreate Elsa and Anna makeup, I encourage myself to try wearing softlenses to make the whole look similar to the character. So, this is my debut on wearing softlenses for this blog >,<
Please take a look the tutorial :D
Before move to the next step, I would like to inform you something that I didn't write in the picture bellow, all eyeshadows I used in this tutorial were from Sariayu Eye Shadow Palette 25 Best Choice Colors of Asian Woman.
Revealing timeee~
This is how the whole makeup looks like
I have to experiment about four or five times to recreate Elsa's hair out of scarves! @,@
Now, let me blow you a snowflake...
Thank you dear readers for visiting my blog :D
Cantik bangett. Kepingin nonton Frozen belum kesampean. Hihi...
BalasHapusTerima kasiiiiihhh XD
Hapusaku juga kepingin banget nonton Frozen :D
keyen make up matanya sis ^^
BalasHapusmakaciiiiiih sistaaaa~ :D
HapusLooooving the theme. Gorgeous pictures.
BalasHapusBtw, I just followed your blog and nominated you for Liebster Award. Check out this link and feel free to follow me. http://parksuci.blogspot.com/2013/12/liebster-award-and-what-is-it.html
Awwww~ very nice of youuuuu~ >.< I am thrilled XD
HapusI have followed you back :D
Thanks for nominating me for the Liebster Award, I just know it after reading your post ;D
I always love your makeup tutorial because it's fantasy and fresh! :D
BalasHapusI nominated you for Liebster Award on my blog: http://silvertreasure.blogspot.com/2013/12/liebster-award-from-melissa-widjaja.html
Have a nice day! :D
Awww thank you sweetie :'D
HapusKyaaaa~ thank you again >,< I never expected to be nominated into an award :D
Have a nice day too~ :D
Where are your contacts from? What colour are they?
BalasHapusI used contacts from X2 named Ice and the color is sky blue :D
HapusI hope that helps you ;)
wawww,,, kerennn kak,, jadi kayak elsa beneran deh, kreatif banget rambut dari dari jilbab kain gituu :)
BalasHapusaaawwww~ >,<
Hapusterima kasiiiiih~ XD
ihihihi, kalau jilbabnya nggak dibuat begitu, elsa-nya jadi nggak keliatan yaa XD
suka kak! tetep berhijab :)
Hapusmakasiiih Salma >,<
Hapusiyaaa~ ihihihi, tetep berhijab dan penampilan elsa-nya juga dapet :'D
I love the makeup and scarfff.. aakk ajarin dong ceuuu x)
BalasHapusKyaaaa~ thank you ceeuuu~ XD
Hapusayo ayo ke sini, nanti aku ajarin XD
cantik sekali kak :) mau tanya nih, sebenernya yang paling berpengaruh sama gaya dan ekspresi make up itu apa sih? eye shadow, lipstick, atau.. ele liner? atau pensil mata? -__- (padahal semuanya berpengaruh hehe)
BalasHapusaww, terima kasih Salma yang cantik sekali :D
HapusGaya dan ekspresi make up? Hmm, sebenarnya itu tergantung dari make up yang seperti apa yang mau kita buat, apa saja yang mau kita tonjolkan, make up mata kah? bibir? atau dua-duanya?
Ada kalanya kita mau pakai eyeshadow yang cetar-membahana dengan eyeliner yang tegas, imbangi dengan lipstik berwarna kalem.
Ada kalanya juga kita mau pakai lipstik merah tapi nggak mau terlihat menor, imbangi dengan make up mata simpel seperti eyeliner hitam pada mata misalnya.
Atau mau pakai eyeshadow dengan warna tegas dengan lipstik warna tegas juga? Boleh banget! asal sesuai dengan acara, suasana dan yang pasti harus berani ;)
Oke, semoga bisa menjawab yaa~ ;)
ada tutorial hijabnya gk? >A<
BalasHapusBelum adaa~ >,<
Hapusehh hijabnya gmn? mau dong tutorial hijabnyaa keren..
BalasHapusHai Wahyu ^^
HapusMakasih yaa udah mampir ^^
Aku udah bikin tutorialnya, bisa dicek di sini http://allseebee.blogspot.com/2014/03/disney-frozen-elsas-hair-tutorial-using.html
Salam dear. I was googling and i found your blog. Basically, we will be having a themed dinner in 5 days time and i will be Queen Elsa. As i am wearing shawl, could you kindly make a tutorial on how to steal that hair look? Thank you,
BalasHapusSalam dear ^^
HapusI made the tutorial right away after reading you comment.
Please kindly check this link http://allseebee.blogspot.com/2014/03/disney-frozen-elsas-hair-tutorial-using.html
I hope that can help you ^^
and, thank you for visiting my blog dear ^^
Assalamualaikum.. hy aldila.. slam kenal yaa.. suka banget makeup nya, simply and fresh.. like it..
HapusHai Anggun, salam kenal juga ^^
Waah terima kasih ^^ seneng kalau kamu suka sama makeup yang ini
Makasih yaa sudah mampir ^^
dapet banget "dingin" dan mistik nya kak!! mantaaaaaaps :D
BalasHapushihihi, berarti berhasil nih menampilkan Elsa-nya yah Git :'D
Hapusmakasiiiihhh yaaaa~ :D
Itu jilbabnya kreasi sendiri ?
BalasHapusAsli Ini kreatif banget, Keren say. :) dari makeup pemilihan warna dll.
Iyah Siti jilbabnya itu hasil kreasiku sendiri :'D setelah mencoba berulang-ulang :'D
HapusAwww terima kasiiih banyaaak Siti :'D
wow! baguuuusnyaa. i love it!
BalasHapusHai Wulan :D
HapusTerima kasih yaa~ :D
sugoi cosu nya~
BalasHapusarigatou~ ^_^
Hapushow do i pin this? do u have a pinterest account?
BalasHapusOh hi, I already add the pin button so you can pin it directly to pinterest ^^
HapusBrilliant tutorial and I love the scarf hair! Very creative way to finish it off :) Great photos and love the post :)
BalasHapusWow, thank you Mily! :D You're so kind :D
HapusGlad to know that you like it ;)
Hijaber paling kreatif I've ever met! ヾ(*´▽`*)ノ
BalasHapusSalut sama Kakak
Meski menutupi aurat, tetap saja masih bisa recreate look even Elsa dengan sangat baik
Terus berkreasi yaa ♪
Aaawww~ kamu ini bisa aja kalau memuji Queen~ >///< jadi tersipu malu aku-nya :3
HapusTerima kasiiih untuk pujian dan support-nya yaa~ it means a lot for me :'D
Aku termasuk silent reader loh :p
HapusKalo aku comment brarti beneran bagus^^
btw makasi infonya ya Kak soal wax yg aku tanya^^
Hihihihi XD akhirnya kamu nggak jadi silent reader sekarang :D
HapusMakasiiih yaaa Queen~ :D
Sama-sama ^o^)/
Frozen 2 is coming out in the spring of 2015! Its gonna be called Frozen Fever! :D ❄
BalasHapusOh yeah? Really???
HapusFrozen Fever sounds cool~ :D
I bought one of these frozen raincoats for my 6 year old daughter. Do you think she will love it? It’s one of her Christmas presents. Hope i’m not spoiling her. Don’t worry it was very cheap. hehe >>>>>> Disney Frozen Anna Raincoat