PygmalionLand and the Balm Makeup Challenge - Hollywood 20's - Argyle - Petal Pink
Another make up challenge~
This one is hosted by PygmalionLand and sponsored by the Balm.
For this challenge we have to create a look from the Instain blush cover.
I tried to create a look from Argyle - Petal Pink Instain blush cover
Here is the closer look...
I didn't use many eye product for this look just eyeliner, mascara and since I (again) made my face skin tone really white, I used my every day compact powder to gave a little bit color to my eye lids.
I also gave a slightly nose shading with the same compact powder color that i used on my eye lids.
For eyebrows, I created natural full looking eyebrows.
Here are the cheek and lip detail.
For cheek, i really put a lot of blusher so it look obviously there on my cheek.
For the lip, i combined three different lipstick shades to get this color.
Thanks for stopping by~
Well, wish me luck~
suka warna lipstiknya..nice combination - merah tp ga medok juga seger..#kayakstroberi hihihihi..
BalasHapusfollow me bac at yah..
thankyouu ^^
waaah, makasiiih >.< itu warna hasil eksperimen :D hihihi, seger-seger stroberi :3
Hapusi have followed you back ^^
thank you too~
salam kenal ^o^)/
Cantiknya... suka deh sama hasilnya... Good luck!
BalasHapusBtw, salam kenal aja ya...
terima kasssiiiiih cantiiik~ XD seneng deh ada yang suka :D
Hapussalam kenal jugaaa~ ^o^)/
suka kombinasi warna bibir dan topinya ;) Good luck!
BalasHapusterima kasih sabrina :D jadi seneng nih :3
Hapusmakasih yaa~
Salam kenaaal~ ^o^)/
Cantik... seger liat nya...
BalasHapusAku follow blog kamu. Follow me back
Salam kenal ^_^
Haaaiiiii~ terima kasiiih yaaa~ jadi ikutan seger nih bacanya XD
HapusAku sudah follow back blogmu~
Salam kenal jugaaa~ ^o^)/
cakep banget. outfit na apalagi.m it's 20s and looks so good on you. perfect XD
makaaassssiiiih >.< very glad to know :D
Hapusi just followed your blog dear
salam kenal ^o^)/
cantikkkk banget ... suka sama warna bibirnya :)
BalasHapuslets be friend dear :)
haaaiiii~ terma kasih dear >.<
Hapusyeah, let's be friend :D
salam kenal yaa~ ^o^)/
cantiikkkk...mirippp...sampe propertinya juga mirip, wish you luck dear :)
BalasHapusbtw, I'm following you dear
haaaiii Lady Dita~ hihihi kita samaan pake title 'Lady' ya XD
Hapusterima kasiiiihh cantiiikkkk~ >.<
i have followed your blog back dear ^_^
salam kenaaal~ ^o^)/
caantikk :) good luck !! semuanya cocookk
terima kasih saras yang cantik juga >.<
Hapussalam kenal yaa~ ^o^)/
Creative banget kamu kak :) suka hasil look nya.. Semoga menang ya kak :)
BalasHapusSalam kenal kak dari kami..
New follow on u blog :)
Hihihi, terima kasih yaa DA Sisters yang juga kreatif~ :D Amiiin amin amin~ :D
HapusSalam kenal jugaaa~ ^o^)/
New follower on your blog too ;)