Frankenstein Make Up Tutorial
Haaaiiiii dear friends~ :D
I am back with another couple collaboration with the amazing Mbak Vindy XD kyaaaa~
We have our previous collaboration on the Chucky and Bride couple. And now, we're back again with the Frankekstein couple ^o^)/
I hope that this duo collaboration could continue with another outrageous couple character XD
Oh yeah, you must check Mbak Vindy's creation on Frankenstein Wife.
Hahahahaha, yes, I am the Frankenstein in this collaboration :D I picked this picture as reference of my Frankenstein make up. It was the classic Frankenstein but I add extra wound on the cheek. ![]() |
Frankenstein |
Before we move to the tutorial, I would like to say sorry because this tutorial, hmm, not really from the very first step. I have to charge my camera when I started the make up process. But, don't worry, I will explain the first step after the tutorial picture :D
So, here are the details of the forehead before painted with green face painting.
As I stated on the tutorial, the fake brow bone was made from folded tissue and band aids. It was not band aids, it was this band aids tape.
Here is how the fake brow bone and node bridge looks like, it was not pre-made, this is how it looks after I took it off. Oh yeah, on the top of the band aids tape, I covered it with mixture of peel off mask and loose powder and for the wound you can check my previous tutorial on wound
Now, let this Mr. Frankenstein having his time to take selfies XD
You must know that angle is everything int the term of taking picture. You could have your face look much slimmer or bigger just by changing the angle.
Also pose is important too! With this make up I pose the way I never did on my other photos, which is tuck my chin in to make my face look bigger :D
Frankie looking good~ XD
Aaaaand come to the sad part, removing all the make up T,T
Okay, thank you for visiting my blog~ ^^
What do you think about my Frankenstein? Is it Frankenstein enough? XD
See you on my next post~
hahaha dila, keren banget! droppy eye effect nya keren! gak kepikiran hasilnya bisa gituu
BalasHapusahahahaha, makasih mel :'D hihihi, hasil coba-coba juga itu mel dan ternyata jadi kelihatan droppy beneran XD
Hapuskak dilaaa,keren sekaliii
BalasHapuslike it omggg ^^
makasiiih angie~ XD
Hapushihihi, jadi seneng deh kalau kamu suka :'D
AWESOMEEEE Dillll <3 <3
BalasHapusKm dan mba Vindy duo yg ajaibbb banget XD
BIIIIG THAAANKSSS for you Shel :'D <3 <3 <3
Hapushihihi, kami ini duo yg doyan makeup yg ajaib XD
AAAahhhhh selalu terkesima sama makeupnya dilaa setiap berkunjung kesini..hihihi..kamu pinter banget!!
BalasHapuskyaaaaaa~ jadi senyum-senyum sendiri nih kamunya sampai terkesima gitu put XD
Hapushihihi, aku ini masih butuh banyak belajar put :'D
gilaaaa 100% berubah banget mba mukanya, always amajiiiiinn karya2nya mba dil ><
BalasHapusehehehehehe, aku pun kaget juga nuy mukaku seperti bukan mukaku XD
Hapusmakasiiih nuuuy~ jadi semangat bikin yang lainnya nih ^o^)9
dilduuul fake brow bone nya keren bangettt! kamu selalu kreatip bikin bahan2 ajaib ginii~ *angkat tangan *hormat bu guruu* hahahaa
BalasHapushihihihi ipaaaah XD aku cuma memanfaatkan barang yang ada di rumah *biar nggak beli-beli terus XD
Hapushihihihi, bisa aja nih ipah X3 bu guru kasih pe-er bikin kembarannya frankenstein looh~ *pake kacamata gede* hahaha
keren, naies info..
BalasHapusterima kasih ^^
HapusKereen dan kreatif bangetttt .... 2 jempoll dech pokoknyaa, brubah bangett ituu.
BalasHapusmakasiiih XD hihihi jadi tersipu-sipu nih XD
HapusKEREN!!! congrats juga yaa dear Runner Up di I am a queen ^^
BalasHapuswaaaah makasiiih mbak rere cantiiikk :'D hihihi, makasih sekali lagii~ XD
Hapusinovatif banget sih kak :D
BalasHapusfollow back ya kak!! :)
hihihihi, demi biar mirip-mirip sama frankenstein ini vi :'D makasiih yaa~ ^^
Hapusdhilaaaaaaaa.. aaaaahk aku syuuuka banget.. kencan yuuk *lhooo* hahahaha.. cewe bertalenta ini mah..
BalasHapusAyuuuuk Dineeeee~ XD *fix ini sekarang aku panggilnya Ayuk Dine*
Hapusmakasiiih :* hihihi, jadi syeneng nih akunya XD
frankensteinnya setuju tuh kencan sama ayuk berkerudung polakdot merah kecoklatan XD
kalau ini memang talenta saya... *mengucap syukur kepada Dzat Yang Maha Kaya* :'D
Thanks Hina ^^