Cirque Du Soleil Mystère Makeup for Looxperiments 3rd Anniversary
This post was made for participating in #looxchallenge, Looxperiments third anniversary that sponsored by Misslie, Wardah Cosmetics and
First of all, eventhough it's a little bit late, I want to say 'Congratulation on your third Anniversary Looxperiments!' ^^
For their third anniversary, Looxperiments, like on their previous anniversary, hold a makeup challenge. This time the theme is Cirque Du Soleil. Woohoo~
Makeup Challenge? Cirque Du Soleil? I'm in!
Eventhough I have never see their performance, I did ever watch the behind the scene of KA and It was amazing. The combination of acrobatic performance, the latest visual/sound effect technology, makeup, costumes and everything! Even water on stage! All of that combine in a performance, it just amazing! It made me want to see them in real life.
After did some research, I finally found a character from Cirque Du Soleil that I want to recreate. That is the Lizard of Mystère. At first I was actually interested to Amaluna, because of their concept, but the makeup was kind of too natural looking (but the head piece and costume was great). So I pick the Lizard of Mystère instead.
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Mystère |
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the Lizards |
Based on Cirque Du Soleil description on the Lizards, the Lizards character was actually chameleon that will show off shiny green skin with flashes of scarlet when they dance.
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the Lizards |
Aaaaand... Drum roll please~
Here is my recreation of Lizard of Mystère~ :D
Last but not least, happy anniversary to Looxperiments again! ^^
Are you also interested to join this makeup challenge? You still have time! The #looxchallenge will end on March 16th, check Looxperiments for the details.
So, what do you think on my Lizard recreation?
Thank you for visiting ^o^)/
kagummmmm akuuu sama kk cantik satu iniii lalayeyeeye :D
BalasHapusAwwww~ makasiiih Anggie cantiikk :*
Hapusyeyeye~ XD
aaa mba dil, ini keren banget loh :")
BalasHapusaaaawww masa sih nuy? :'D
Hapusmakasiiiih yaaa nunuy cantiiik :*
Ya ampuuun, kereeen mancaaap badaai....itu sampe ada sisik lizard nya juga #thumbsup
BalasHapusAaaaaaaah makasiiiiiihhhh looooh dini :'D *kibas sisik kadal*
Hapusthumbs up juga buat kamu :D
Halo, ini kadalnya cantik sekali :D
BalasHapusKereenn. Hiasannya juga niat banget!
Semoga beruntung ya, dear :3
Halo sekar :D
HapusTerima kasiiiih yaaa :D
Iya aku niat banget biar agak mirip sama aslinya :'D
terima kasih yaa :'D
keren dila! kreative banget!
BalasHapusmakasiiiih imeldaaaa~ ^o^)/
Hapusbagusss bangetttt ^_^
BalasHapusmakasiiih bangeeettt rilla ^o^)/
Hapuskerennn^^ itu pake apa ngeriasnya??
BalasHapusmakasiiiih ^^
Hapusitu aku pakai face painting sama eyeshadow :D
Kerenn dilaa... Good luck yahh(^3^)♥
BalasHapusawww makasiiih cc Ellen yg cantiikkkk ^3^)~
HapusBagus makeup kamu Dilla.. Buat tutorial donk.hihihi
Makasiiih Bebe~ :D masih butuh banyak belajar iniii :3
HapusIhihihi, tutorial kadal yang ini kah? :D