IBB Make Up Challenge January 2014 with Caring Colours
After absent on IBB Make Up Challenge last month, I decided to join this January Make Up again (well, I have to, I love challenge).
This Make Up Challenge is held by Indonesian Beauty Blogger every month with different theme, so, go visit their web to get an update about this annual monthly make up challenge.
As stated above, the make up challenge theme is Glamorous New Year Party and sponsored by Caring Colors, one of brand from Martha Tilaar that you don't need to question about their quality.
So, Glamorous New Year Party, right?
At first what came to my mind was gold-brown or gold-black eye look. But I already made that kind of combination on my Lady Pig look. So, I want to create something else.
Okay, I was putting my self on imagination that I am really about to go to a New Year Party with this Glamorous look. Not only looking glam, I want to make a bold statement look to face the new year.
So this is what I create~
These days was pretty cold with rainy and cloudy weather, to balance that, I used warm tone with silver highlight this time.
This is the first time I tried to make cut-crease-cat-eye look.
At first trial (not this one) it was failed because my crease area is small and I made it way too high, it was too much.
This look was the third trial and I'm pretty satisfied with how it turned out. Still need practice more.
For lips, I mixed red and deep purple lipstick I have to get this burgundy red wine color.
So, I'm ready for the party~ XD
Well, what do you think?
Thanks for visiting~
Wish me tons of luck
Miiiiaw >,< you like cat lady dhil.. bold banget mata nya.. sudah lama aku pingin buat look kaya gini.. tapi bel um pernah kesampeean..
BalasHapusGood luck ya dhil :*
Raaawwrrr~ :3
Hapus*sujud syukur sudah kelihatan bold*
Ayooo Mbak Dine bikin yang kayak beginian~ XD
Makasih yaa Mbak Dineee~
Good luck juga buat Mbak Dinee :D
syukaa banget warna Lipsticknya itu ..... <3 <3
BalasHapusaiiiiiih makasih Margaretha :D
Hapuswarnanya itu hasil eksperimen ;)
itu bibir iso suekseeehh gt lo dilll
BalasHapussini Mbak Vindy, tak sun pake bibir suekseeehhh :* :* :*
Hapuswarna lipstik gelap cenderung bikin bibir kelihatan seksi kayaknya ya Mbak Vin ;D
Lipstiknya pake apa aja ituh? Sooooo gorgeous! <3
BalasHapusKyaaaa thank you Nindyaa XD
HapusItu aku pakai lipstik Maybelline ColorSensational yang Red Porcelain sebagai dasarnya (ini karena nggak punya pensil bibir) pakai tipis-tipis, trus pakai lipstik warna ungu tua dari Viva yang no.35.
Semoga informasinya bisa membantu ;)
Jeeengs, you look so gorgeous! Sering2 kepoin blogmu ah.. hihihi :p
BalasHapusAwww Awww Awww jeeeengs~ XD
HapusThaaaank yoooouuu gorgeousss~ :*
Bagus jengs, bagus, kepoinnya sering-sering yaa~ XD
Ceuu.. itu eye shadow yang silver apa? Warnanya bagus deh..
BalasHapusAku pakai cream eyeshadow Sariayu dari Palette 25 Tahun Sariayu Ceu~ :D