The Makeup Look that should be Joined in IniVindy Makeup Giveaway
As the tittle says, this look was actually for IniVindy and D'Eyeko Makeup Competition Giveaway last November.
Due to very slow internet connection and my laptop was in the same mood to be slow too. I can't upload this on time.
So I just cancelled to join her giveaway ToT *cry*
The concept of this makeup was about a girl that eat too much candy and sweets and her face turn into this hideous looking face because of that, and then she was not allowed to eat sweets anymore. That's why she had her mouth stitched.
Well, this is pretty much how I translate the concept into this makeup look.
See, she can't eat the lollipop X(
Too much sweets is not good for you dear >,<
The Eyes detail
The left eye was represented cotton candy and the right eye was represented chocolate >,<
The Lip detail
This stitched mouth was represent that she is not allowed to eat sweets.
Thanks for stopping by ^^
Lots of kisses :*
serem dan keren in one hand!!! <3 <3
BalasHapusmuehehehe~ makasih yaaa Gitaaa~ >,<
HapusHeeeemmm.. emak.. ini lebih mirip emak jualanan permen yaak.. hihihi *peace dah..
BalasHapussama kayak komentar mamakuuuu~ kayak emaknya malin kundang katanya T,T
Hapushehehe, ini emak-emak jualan permen untuk mencari mangsa anak-anak untuk dijadiin makan malam~ *tiba-tiba horor
Klo menurut aku kyk pus meong... Hehehe... Keren^^
BalasHapushehehe, miawww~ :3
Hapusmakasih yaah Mbak Dian :D