Black and Pink Princesses Look for Carnellin's Christmas Giveaway
If you read my Pig Makeup post, I mentioned that I did a makeup marathon in one day.
This is what I did :D
Not only makeup but also nail art :D
I did it for Carnellin's Chrismas Giveaway. You could also join the giveaway by making any, yes, ANY artwork you could do. Cool right? :D
The giveaway is open until 23rd December, it is tomorrow so, hurry up!
The Gifts?
You may check it yourself to Carnellin's Blog.
If I have to describe it in one word, AWESOME!!!
What more awesome is, you can chose what you want and more than one too :D
Sounds really good right?
Now, please check my artworks I did for Carnellin's Giveaway..
Black and Pink Princesses
The inspiration of these looks were from collatboration of Shu Uemura and Takashi Murakami Chistmas 2013 Collection, the 6 Hearts Princess.
In the collection there are two models that showing two different side, the naughty and nice sides that girls' have.
Take a closer look bellow.
Black Princess
Pink Princess
I also made nail arts that fit for the princesses~
The purple nails represented the Black Princess and the pink sparkle nails represented the Pink Princess.
Now, I will show you the gifts I want from Carnellin's Giveaway
First is two gorgeous necklace from Riche Accessories~
I always love gorgeous necklace like these two~
For me, a whole look is not complete without a touch of awesome necklace~
You can see in (almost) all photos I posted on this blog that I wore necklace, right.
So, I chose these two necklaces.
The first one is the Bleu Deco Bib because it represent my side of Black Princess, the rocker side of me :D
The second one is the Madeline Pearl. Which girl who doesn't love pearls? I would say that the pearls represent the inner Pink Princess, the elegant side of me :D

Shu Uemura~
I made the Black and Pink Princesses look based on Shu Uemura's Princess models~
I really want to try these two babies~ *o*)
I am such a fan of Lip tint, more excited if I also could use it for blusher like the Shu Uemura Lip and Cheek Tint. Oh yeah, have I mention that this Lip and Cheek Tint has matte texture? ;) What a great combo right? ;)
Miraculous Purple eyeliner from Shu Uemura Lasting Soft Gel Pencil, because black is too mainstream baby~ XD
Let's be honest, I don't have a perfect skin.
I still have some blemishes that very hard to get rid off and when I read the description of this Yves Saint Laurent Forever Light Creator, I instantly like 'I absolutely need this one *,*'
Oh yeah, I also remember my sisters that has same problem with me. Isn't it a joyful to have a clear skin together with your siblings? *o*
For me the real beauty is a healthy clear skin~
Last but not least~
Sally Hansen nail polish, in this case is the Sally Hansen Fuzzy Coat Wool Knot.
This nail polish is very unique, it has two confetti colors which are baby blue and white. I was searching about this one on google and found out that this baby looks really good to be worn alone and also as a top coat with different nail polish color as the base~ *,*
Such A LOT of gifts I want *,*
It looks like my wishlist for some reason >,<
Is there anyone else joining Carnellin's Christmas Giveaway? :D
If you haven't, you should have join too! XD
I hope you don't mind with my extra large photos in this post XD
I think I will post my photos with extra large size from now on :D
Well, as always, thank you for stopping by~
Wish me tons of luck~
ya ampul nail artnya keren bgt dil! suka!
Hihihi makasiiiih Aniiiis~ XD
HapusBlack Princesss donk.. cuuup aku sukaaa yg itu..
BalasHapusWaaaah ternyata Mbaknya suka yang nuansa-nuansa gothic gitu yaaa~
HapusTerima kasiiiih Mbak~ >,<
Aaaah suka sama Princess Pink nyaa ... Apa lagi Nail Art nyaaa, Cakep Anget sich.
BalasHapusAaaaawww~ terima kasih Margaretha XD