Review of NYX Round Lipstick in Penelope
Penelope of NYX Round Lipstick.
Finally got my hands on it!
It's lipstick and black.
Black Lipstick
Back then I never had any idea of having lipstick in color of black.
But right now as I fell deeper into make up world, I think I have to try a lipstick in black.
Black lipstick is just as classic as red lipstick and I think the unique point from black lipstick is that any skin color could pull off this lipstick color :D
After I watched Michelle Phan's video about her Halloween Favorites, my desire to try black lipstick is even bigger. So, I was searching for any brands that had lipstick in black that (of course) affordable to me and ended up to NYX.
I bought it from Chic Princessa. I was so glad that this Penelope baby is in stock which mean that I don't have to wait for weeks to purchase it.
The first time I got this, I was a little bit surprised because of the new design.
As you can see bellow, this lipstick is rather sheer.
You need to apply more than two layers to really get the color.
This lipstick is a true black without any undertone, just black.
Oh yeah this lipstick is also very glossy.
A little tips for you if you want to get the intensity like my lips in the photo above, you need to apply foundation or concealer on your lips before applying the lipstick. If you don't apply any foundation or concealer beforehand, it will look sheer and your inner lip part color will fade faster.
Truthfully speaking, I love this kind of lipstick color even though I would not wearing black lip on my everyday life, but still a bold lip color like black is a brave statement.
So, what do you think?
Do you want to try a black lipstick?
Did you ever try one?
Anyway, thanks for stopping by :D
Gessshh! Keren! Love that's color..
BalasHapusIyaaa~ emang keren si lipstik item ini >.<
HapusI love this color too :D
aaaa ini aku nyari kemana mana taunya ada di chic princessa :O kerennnn!
BalasHapusaku pas tau warna item ini ready stock langsung beli aja >.< nggak tau mau nyari di mana lagi >.<
Hapusiyaaa keren banget si warna item ini~
woooooooooow warnanya! ~~~
BalasHapushihihi warnanya emang WOW banget yaah XD
HapusKeyeeen yaa > . < racun ih :D
BalasHapusiyaaa keyeeen >.<
Hapushihihi ups, ada yang keracunan XD
uwoooo~~ cakep banget! >.<
BalasHapusuwooo iyaaa cakep banget emang~ >.<
Hapusgosh what a sexy black ;)
BalasHapusit is very sexy indeed :D
Hapusgila keren bangettt post FOTD dong :D :D
BalasHapusiyaaa bangeeettt~ warnanya cetar membahana :D
Hapusuntuk FOTD dengan lipstik ini baru ada di sini (termasuk FOTD nggak tuh?) :D
OMG !!! kerennn abiss say :D
BalasHapusjadi pengen nih koleksi lipen aneh2 hahahah
follow blog kamuuu ^_^ hope u follow back :D
Iyaaa warnanya keren bangeet >.<
HapusHihihi, ayoo dikoleksiii~ Seru looh pake lipstick warna-warna ajaib :D
I have followed you baaack :D
cetar banget hitamnya! if only I dare to wear such bold lipstick ya.. sejauh ini, darkest shade yg berani aku pake cuma NYX Hestia, dapet dari Chic Princessa juga :)
BalasHapusiyaaa hitamnya cetar banget :D harganya bersahabat dengan kantong pula :D
Hapustapi aku cuma pakai Penelope ini buat foto, agak kontroversial kalau buat sehari-hari XD
Hestia warnanya keren :D